Do you find yourself changing the link on your Instagram Profile Bio?  Or wishing you could link your posts or stories to pages out side of Instagram. If like me you have less than 10k followers it can be a nightmare trying to drive traffic to your website. I often found myself changing my bio link to my blog, a sale or whatever else I have going on.

That was until today.  I’m just slightly excited about this! I have built my own link directory on my website within the blog section and it was super easy to do.

Making the Buttons

I wanted the links to look like buttons so I used to create some visuals. You could use any creative app or just words if you prefer.

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From the home page on Canva (once I was logged in) I selected Use custom dimensions (top right) and choose a width of 700 x 100 (this works for my blog page but yours might be different)

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Using the options down the left hand side I made the background grey.  Then added text and changed the font and colours etc.

Once you are happy with your design I added a page and then copied over the design and changed the text. Then downloaded the images.

Write your blog post

So now my designs are all stored on my downloads I was able to go to my website and create a blog post or you create a new page, whatever you prefer. I uploaded each image and hyperlinked the image to the page I wanted it to link to.  Once published and I did a quick check of all the links. I was able to copy and paste the web page address and paste that into my Instagram bio.

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So now when you click on the you end up on my links page and can go anywhere you like.

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